

Dominic Ware: Changing the Corporate Game

isotretinoin cheap online canadian pharmacy In capturing Dominic Ware’s story, a story of resilience and solidarity, I was given the opportunity to connect with a young man that has both potential and ambition to spark change. Working with him, meeting his family, and seeing him really connect with his own past and where he wants to go in front of my lens was a honor and a blessing. All of the subjects I interviewed really believe in and are working towards changing the corporate game – and breaking down the “profit over people” model that has become so embraced by large companies, like Walmart, in our society.

The most challenging part of the process was having to tighten up and trim out much of the rich content I was fortunate to capture. There were so many facets to Dominic’s story and the struggle he is in to change the corporate mindset, while empowering the everyday, working person, that I had to go through multiple stages of letting go of certain elements to focus the short doc and keep the running time around 6 minutes.

Overall a great experience – I was able to work with some one who shared a love for our hometown, Oakland CA, and believed in the strength of our diverse and united community.


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